Gifts of the Spirit Apply to Sports Too!
This week was really good (: It flew by!! there was not a day this week that we were not busy going from one thing to another!! Which is super awesome as a missionary (: At least personally I like it that way. Constantly having something to do and arriving home at night tired and just ready to crash onto my little floor mat, thank God for everything that he blessed us with that day, and go to sleep is the best!!
This week we had a lot of time dedicated to teenagers and younger adults. Particularly playing sports with them from soccer to ping pong and doing other activities with them! And it's been amazing! We can't go down the street anymore without having someone we know come up to us and say hi and ask when we're going to meet up again!! It's great! And I do have to say my soccer skills have improved incredibly!! Gifts of the spirit apply to sports too! (; haha Which is good because if you play soccer with a Korean and play well, you pretty much become best friends so that's been great! (: It's not exactly the missionary work I imagined when I came out, but it's the work that God is having me do and I'm not complaining! Anyways I hope to get some pictures sent of today too, so that's all for now!
Love you all! Hope and pray that you'll all have a great week and get to see Gods hand bless your life!
Love, Elder Lott
Question of the Week: Are there public libraries in South Korea, or do people mostly use electronic books, magazines and newspapers?
Answer: Yeah there are Libraries here, but I don't know how similar they are to ones in America. The only ones I've been in have been pretty small and I haven't seen people check out books, just in there reading but hey, I haven't spent a lot of time in them so I don't really know haha.
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