The True Church of God

This week was great!! Not much time to write, so just going to say that this is the true church of God. Revelation for our day and age is real.

I love Korea!!! Love you all!! Hope you all have great weeks!!

Love, Elder Lott

Question of the Week: I've read that Koreans gesture palm down with 4 fingers instead of pointing at things with an index finger. Do you see that, or is it another custom that has faded?

Answer: Umm, that one isn't really huge. But one that is similar to it is beckoning (is there a better word for that??) like calling someone over by waving your hand is always done with the palm down. The palm up is flipping them off pretty much (: So that's a mistake and a habit that you quickly break when you come here.

Us eating homemade 밥 버거's
(Rice Burgers!! Not what you'd excpect but super good!!)
