
Showing posts from September, 2018

Pictures from Mission President's Blog

Mom note:  This week was Chuseok , which is similar to Thanksgiving in the United States.  Elder Lott wrote that the members in Kim-po were so kind to include him and Elder Gill in their celebration.  He loves this Korean holiday and began mentioning preparations for it several weeks ago, and has been looking forward to celebrating it.  He didn't have time for a group email.  He said to just find pictures from President Turner's blog and post those for this week.  I didn't realize it had been so long since I'd been to that blog, and found some fun pictures of Elder Lott from the past several months.  If you haven't looked at the Korea Seoul South Mission blog recently yourself, President and Sister Turner have some fabulous commentary and pictures of South Korean culture that help us understand some of the things Elder Lott writes home about.  Enjoy!   Pictures this week courtesy of

Loving Kim-po!

Another great week in 김포 [ Kim-po ]! I don't really know what to write about this week. Nothing new or exciting, just good ol' missionary work. Love it! Love you all! Have a great week! Love, Elder Lott Question of the Week: Do Korean children attend mostly public or private schools? Answer: I would say most attend public style schools.. I don't really know though. Haha, I'll ask a Korean sometime. I got to see Elder Kellis this last week!!! Let's goooo! [ eating hotteok - yum! ] When preaching the gospel to every creature doesn't go too well...... ㅋㅋㅋ [ha ha ha] 아니면 첫 인상에 골든 보이는 분은 진짜로 전도사 일때... ㅋㅋㅋㅋ [ Missionary Humor:  Or if the first impression of the golden look is really just a preacher ... ha ha ha ] Hey Dad!!  You know how you taught me to do the cat sounds?  I finally learned to speak Korean cat!!  Ha Ha! Last transfers District

This Week Was Dope!

So this week was 마약~~~~ (dope) haha not actual slang but what me and my companion use; a weird mix of Korean and English. Oh! Speaking of my companion! We get to stay together for at least another 6 weeks!! I'm excited to see all the great work that we'll be able to get done this transfer! So this last week has had a few great miracles. So starting probably with the most worldly, I was given the gift of sports during soccer with the ward on Saturday and I did pretty good as keeper! Haha we were playing against the neighbor ward. And now I don't think relationships with the ward have ever been better ;) partially joking, but not really. If I haven't explained it before, playing soccer with Koreans and playing WELL is one of the best ways to build relationships. (If you want to hear about some of my epic plays ask my sister Lilianne, haha. I told her a few.)  Haha, and then some of the more spiritual miracles that have come this past week; we have gotten some of

Just Pictures This Week

Mom note:  No letter for the blog this week, only pictures.  Enjoy! Umbrella 전도 [prosylyting]!!! We leave our umbrellas inside and get people to walk with us because we don't have one so we can talk to them (: Rain (: Baskin Robins Day!! Free size up to the half gallon!!